Monday, March 02, 2009

the snowflakes, that will never melt

the rain has stop
the weather is cool
the mood is blue
the food have gone cold
the waterbottle is empty
internet is loading slow
the work has done
while the songs kept running
in this world of routine
have i really found what i really want ?

i'm always afraid,
if people, not having faith in me
for not knowing, what i really want, and
that they wouldn't understand me.
The things i do, the things i said
there's always no real hidden meaning on it
but they still misunderstand
people, still get me wrong

i never like to explain
i never like giving reasons

even tho there's them whom don't understands me
i still have some, whom always get me even before i say anything
i'm glad, that i knew them
at least, i wont be saying out loud that no one actually understands me
at least, there's a reason to move on,
and at least,it gives me more courage, to love you
and because of you, i found a reason to move on.

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