Monday, January 26, 2009


For some reason, i don't feel like doing anything at all, don't feel like going out, eat, think, watch movie...wait, i meant, anything at all including sleep.

I don't even know why, or probably even if i knew, i would pretend that i don't. Weird isn't it, just when there's always a solution there, people often ended up not solving it instead.

Ended up running in circle cause i still denying alot of feelings.


milk and cookies said...

Aww..what happen?

BUt, atleast you finally want to sleep! Not zombified! Hehe...

Denying a lot of feelings is the same like when you judge people, you don't have time to know them.

Don't let the time to heal the wound afterward for wasting times to deny the feelings rather than accepting it my dear.

(I hope this "ayat "strikes bulls eye! Hehe!)

Miss you too! *hugs*

NicChan / Rei said...

terima kasih cikgu =)

I can only say, you've been a very good friend =)