Girls are like stars...there are millions of them, but only one that can really move your heart. Well, sort of like dream comes true, but i would say; it's someone that complete your soul.
Everyone born missing something, it's just like a puzzle set that were missing a piece, with this little red light, people have to decide. The decision we make is very important; 1, we give up and let it be..regret for not taking it care well, or blame luck for it. or 2, we desperately looking for the missing pieces, day after day...and till the day we give up, or never give up. Even tho we found the pieces, it might not fit in, or it's too loose.
It reflects so much on ourself, even tho that we're constantly looking for mates, another half of us that we decided to live on with. The commitment we made to ourself, it breaches so easily; Well, i guess that just normal for people, human being like us. And thus, we call that mistakes, and regrets comes next.
To forgive ? or not to forgive ourself. Is rather hard. If someone aint serious about their own decision, then..regretting aint something hard to overcome, it might just goes off after days. But, for someone who made a decision as if it's a decision of life and death, those mistakes that they made, and the regrets they carry on...will eventually haunt them forever. I cant prove that statement is completely true..just that, people might not understand. Feelings aint like ABC, we might be able to communicate with each other if we learn the one language. But, to learn each's others feelings, we have to go to them and know them ourself, cause...everyone is different.
Words, are often heard...but feelings, aren't often feels. It might be emberassing at first, but..if you never tell someone how you feel about them, it'll be unfair for them. At least, people would know their reasons of existence...and what they'd done when they're alive, and so here i am...wiped away emberassed this word away from myself, and doing things solely from the heart, not with words.
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